Thursday 10 March 2011

Time or wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff for Doctor Who watchers

Time management. Most people will shrug their shoulders and mumble something about never having enough time in the included.

What I do concentrate on is building up my inventory in the most cost and time effective arenas for sales.

My websites (see above) account for a very small percentage of the sales I get. Amazon accounts for 85% of sales and ebay the rest.

Listing on eBay is long winded.

Selling on eBay is more expensive by far than selling on Amazon for a comparative inventory.

So do I list on Amazon, work on websites or persevere with eBay?

Is there a danger of putting all of my eggs in one basket?

Of course yes there is but on the other hand why disregard the arena that provides most of my income?

Should I be making more efforts with stuff I frankly find not very effective, Twitter and Facebook networking and marketing, SEO for the websites, promoting them harder.

I need to decide what to concentrate on to avoid drifting from one to the other aimlessly.

If only I had the time to think about it for a while.....

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Two Years Later as they say on Spongebob Squarepants

So here we are, two years or so on from my first blog entry and as you can see blogging has been a regular occurrence. Not!

I haven't had time is my excuse, which of course is exactly what that is, an excuse.

I am not one of those idealistic, enthusiastic people who bang on endlessly about making full use of time but they do have a point. What I have typed so far has taken about 5 minutes and I must be able to find 5 minutes each day surely?

So here we go, today is the first day of the rest of my life and all that baloney. See you for 5 minutes soon.

Monday 9 March 2009


This is my first blog entry so please forgive me if it is short. I realy just want to see if the thing works properly.

I work at home. My business is run from home in a model I think will grow in popularity over the next few years.

There is a backlash against the High Street stores at the moment because they all offer the same tat. Given the huge cost involved now in running a shop, even a small one, it is no surpise that the one thing to suffer most in our seemingly endless drive for lower prices is quality.

I would estimate that to sell something for £5 on the High Street now, the basic cost price for the item would need to be something around £1 to £1.50. The rest of the cost taken up by the other running costs if the business. Is it really any wonder that the quality of shop merchandise these days is so poor?

Because my overheads are low and a lot of the things I sell I also make, I can sell at a lower price and make a better margin than the High Street boys. I also smile when I sell something, say thank you and look like I want to be doing my job.

Any way, that the first one. I shall come back and explore some of the pitfalls of home working another time soon.